Body of the Document (文書本体)
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- 以下のあらゆる組合せ:
- <sec> (セクション)、ゼロまたは 1 個以上
- <sig-block> (署名ブロック)、ゼロまたは 1 個
<article dtd-version="1.1">
<sec sec-type="intro">
<p>Geriatric day hospitals developed rapidly in the United Kingdom in the 1960s
as an important component of care provision. The model has since been widely
applied in several Western countries. Day hospitals provide multidisciplinary
assessment and rehabilitation in an outpatient setting and have a pivotal
position between hospital and home based services. Although there is
considerable descriptive literature on day hospital care,<xref ref-type="bibr"
rid="B1">1</xref> concern has been expressed that evidence for effectiveness is
equivocal and that day hospital care is expensive.<xref ref-type="bibr"
rid="B2">2</xref> We therefore undertook a systematic review of the randomised
trials of day hospital care.</p>
<sec sec-type="methods">
<p>The primary question addressed was ...</p>
<title>Inclusion criteria</title>
<p>We set out to identify all ...</p>
<title>Search strategy</title>
<p>We searched for ...</p>